4. Dysfunctional Political System – Not Working for the People: Handing Control, Sovereignty & Independence to the EU, ECB and Globalists.

  1. Governments of whipped political parties are working for Multinational Corporations and International Organisations rather than for the people of Ireland. Is the function of Government now to transfer Public money and the resources of the country to private hands?
  2. Taxpayers are funding the whipped political parties to canvass them. Taxpayers funding 2017 *FF €5.6 million *FG €4.7 million *Sinn Féin €3.4 million (26 County Report), *Labour party €1.6 million etc.
  3. The EU now controls the country down to the price of fuel and has to approve the Budget. The W.H.O. seeks to take control of the Governments worldwide in the next health ‘Pandemic’, which has been newly defined. There is no sovereignty and no democracy in the current system.
  4. Puppet Government overreach & excess powers.
  5. No Real Opposition to the Globalists agenda Government and political parties.
  6. Some are Outside the Law: What level of control and influence do they have on Irish society? Government of Ireland Act 1920, Section 65. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo5/10-11/67/section/65/enacted