The People’s Platform
A Movement for Extensive Political & Social Reform in Ireland
This document is an Extract from the
CONSTITUTION of the People’s Platform (PP)
- The People’s Platform is established as an Unwhipped Political Party and equally a Support System for Independent Candidates who support the Guiding Principles and the Principle Objectives of the People’s Platform.
Note: The Constitution of the PP was ratified by a majority vote of the membership at the inaugural AGM held on 3rd Feb 2022.
2. The Mission:
To begin the process of returning control of the country and the decision-making processes to the people of Ireland by creating and incorporating a system of self-governance/consultative-participatory democracy and to bring about extensive political and social reform in Ireland.
3. General Objective:
To bring about Extensive Political & Social Reform in Ireland:
4. Guiding Principles
- The political decision-making processes belong solely to the people and has to be returned to them, thereby empowering them.
- The Constitution of Ireland is the fundamental law of Ireland governing the State on behalf of the people, from whom all powers of government derive. It affirms the national sovereignty of the Irish people. It is to be adhered to by all institutions in, and of the State, and by public servants of the State.
- The basic tenet of all law, ‘harm no other or their property’, applies to all in society, living and corporate.
- The State Broadcaster should disseminate factual, unbiased and uncensored information; we will work to ensure that State broadcasts and press releases are factual and balanced and will work to address misinformation and disinformation in the public realm. (See also, Principal Objective 7.20)
5. The People’s Platform is Established:
The People’s Platform is established as an Unwhipped Political Party and equally a Support System for Independent Candidates who support the Guiding Principles and the Principle Objectives of the People’s Platform.
These ideally are to come together as a grouping and voting block within the Dáil. Issues not covered by the Guiding Principles or Principle Objectives within the People’s Platform Constitution will be debated for the purpose of informed decision-making and to ideally achieve consensus.
6. Principal Objectives:
- To end the control of the Country, the Dáil and Local Government by compromised whipped political parties and their corporate and other masters.
- To establish the first truly unwhipped Irish political party, the People’s Platform.
- To create a Support Structure for Independent Candidates who support the Principal Objectives of the People’s Platform Movement and Party.
- To replace compromised whipped party politicians with community selected ones who represent, and are accountable to their constituents, via a system of self-governance/consultative democracy.
- To continue to develop and establish the ‘Committees for Reform’ and bring on board Irish and International expertise to develop solutions and policy for use by the party and the independent candidates.
- To ensure the Constitution of Ireland is upheld in its entirety in all business of the Dáil, by all institutions in, and of the State, and by public servants of the State.
- To reinstate revised versions of Articles 47 & 48 of the 1922 Constitution – Citizen Initiatives; a constitutional process whereby national petitions can veto legislation and initiate new legislation.
- To ensure as per our Constitution that, ‘the family (household) is the natural primary and fundamental unit group of society, and as a moral institution, possessing inalienable and imprescriptible rights, antecedent and superior to all positive law’.
- To ensure the basic tenet of all law; ‘harm no other or their property’ applies to all in society, living & Corporate/State.
- To facilitate true access to justice for people and accountability for abuse of rights, the PP will progress the implementation in legislation of, and compliance with the UN Bangalore Principles for ethical conduct of judges, i.e. Independence, Impartiality, Integrity, Propriety, Equality, Competence and Diligence.
- To immediately introduce Collective Redress Lawsuits (Class Action Lawsuits) to Ireland. To be then used to address, e.g. the Mica and Pyrite crisis, Cervical checks scandal, Swine flu vaccine damage etc. etc.
- To support the establishment of a comprehensive Community-Public Banking system in Ireland, to be begun immediately and completed within five years.
- Reform of the health service to drastically reduce waiting lists, end waste, end duplication of effort and activity, and utilise equipment to full capacity. Less and better management is required. The Health Service is challenged to end the waste and make Healthcare effective and free at point of delivery.
- To promote the use of and retention of physical cash in society as an alternative to the ECB planned (2024) Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which is to replace all physical cash. CBDC will give the ECB, the Central Bank and Government complete control over and the ability to intrude into your every transaction.
- To ensure there is no forced or mandated medical procedure on anyone in society, no requirement for, or reintroduction of a ‘Vaccine’ Passport, EU Digital Green Passport or Digital ID, and no discrimination. To end all mask mandates immediately, particularly for children.
- To rescind all legislative power granted to the executive branch of government including emergency powers, and the granting of such powers in future to be referred to the people.
- To end the sexualisation of children, their exploitation, their psychological abuse and conditioning in the promotion of agendas of special interest groups, NGOs etc. in the school environment. Noting that, as per the constitution, the family is the primary educator of children. Students need to be taught, to question, to think critically, to undertake methodical research, to investigate and to self-educate, across the lifespan.
- To establish from the Committees for Reform, an Irish National Forum for Arts, Science and Knowledge.
- To define and fulfil Ireland’s neutrality i.e., Ireland to hold a position of positive active neutrality with a functional ‘Defence Force’, and actively promote international global peace with justice; this to be enshrined in the Constitution of Ireland.
- To strive for independence, impartiality and uncensored state media which is not sponsored or influenced by vested interests; the board of the National Public Broadcaster should be selected and elected by the public.
- To end whipped political party control and influence, all public servants, such as county managers/CEO’s, judges, Seanad members etc. currently politically appointed, in future should be elected democratically by the public.
- To provide psychological and practical support and to develop adoption services to best-practice-standards as a real option in crisis pregnancy situations.
- To reject the introduction and operation of any form of Social Credit System to Ireland, such as the EU planned European Digital Identity (EID) for use for climate or social credits, or for other oppressive or control purposes, as is used in communist China.
7. The People’s Platform, a Movement for Extensive Political & Social Reform in Ireland:
Areas for Reform:
- The Dáil
- Seanad éireann
- Accountability and liability for actions in Public Office and Public Service.
- The Taoiseach’s Office.
- Community Candidates.
- State funding of Political Parties to be stopped.
- Election of Public Servants & Accountability.
- Secret Oaths in Public Office.
- Banking; The establishment of a Comprehensive Community-Public Banking System.
- Credit Unions & Post Offices.
- Housing and Accommodation.
- Farming, Fishing, Food quality, contents & labelling.
- Natural & National Resources.
- Expansion of the Naval Services.
- Public Water Supply.
- Indigenous Economy Support.
- Review of Public Services, including the Commercial Rates system.
- Education vs. Indoctrination. Curriculum reform.
- Legal/Judicial System.
- Collective Redress Lawsuits.
- Restorative Justice System
- Judicial System & the Implementation in legislation of the UN Bangalore Principles.
- The Public Broadcaster.
- External Control, Influences, Irish Sovereignty & Neutrality, EU, ECB, UN, WHO etc.
- Safe High Capacity Communication Technology – A fit for purpose National Broadband Development Plan.
- The Family, the natural primary and fundamental unit group of society.
- Medical Freedom.
- Positive Health for Ireland.
- Reinstate Articles 47 & 48.
- Full Open Debate.
- Energy – Ireland is resource rich – Nuclear is not Green.
- Postal Voting for our emigrants.
- The Irish diaspora inclusion.
- Cultivate Artistic and Cultural Expression.
The PP website will have further information on the above list.
8. The Island of Ireland:
The ideas, principals and projects outlined in this document can be utilised nationwide throughout the Island of Ireland. The PP looks forward to working with our colleagues in the six counties of Northern Ireland on issues of common interest.
Organisation Structure Continued:
9. Authority:
The authority of the PP is derived only from its membership, properly exercised though defined processes given effect to via AGMs and or EGMs, and guided by this constitution, compliant with Standing Orders and Law.
10. Membership of the PP:
Membership of the PPis open to people who are interested in promoting the aims and objectives of the PP and are interested in promoting the cause of the Irish Nation in accordance with the rules laid down by the PP. See Appendix 1.
Membership of the PP may be by way of ORDINARY membership only. A membership fee may be charged. The amount of the fee shall be determined annually by the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) and sanctioned by the subsequent AGM. The ESC is hereby charged with responsibility to maintain a register of members.
Important Note on Membership:
- It is to be clearly understood that members of the PP, by way of completing and signing a membership application form, thereby solemnly declare that their absolute loyalty is to the Irish Nation, and thereby that they neither have nor will have while a member of PP, membership in nor loyalty to, any subversive or secret organisation, society or brotherhood or other, that entertains or promotes, expressly or otherwise, objectives which are to the detriment of Irish people or the Irish Nation. Those bound by oaths to any such entity are prohibited from participating in or becoming a member of the People’s Platform.
- The ESC reserves the right to reject a membership application if it believes the applicant to be unsuitable, or incompatible with the values of the organisations.
- A member may be expelled for joining under false pretences or for non-compliance with the rules or bringing the People’s Platform into disrepute.
11. General Organisation: (Contact the PP for more information)
12. Operational Guidelines: (Contact the PP for more information)
13. Funding: (Contact the PP for more information)
14. Trading: (Contact the PP for more information)
15. General Rules: (Contact the PP for more information)
16. Definitions:
- AGM: Annual General Meeting
- EGM: Emergency General Meeting
- ESC: Executive Steering Committee
- PP: People’s Platform
17. Appendices:
Appendix 1
1. Membership & Classification:
There are to be two classifications of membership in the PP.
a. Founder members
b. Ordinary members
2. Membership Classification Details:
- FOUNDER MEMBERS of the People’s Platform. They are also ordinary members.
- Ordinary Members: A member is defined as a member who has paid their annual subscription as determined from year to year at the AGM in advance of year to come. Membership for 2022 is to be waged €20/£20/$20; unwaged €5/£5/$5 for that year, payable to the PP.
Membership is to be an annual membership, renewable on the first day of February of each year. Founder members will be ordinary members in the manner specified herein. Ordinary members are to be required to complete a MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM. Ordinary membership is designed for those members who support and/or participate in the business of the PP on a regular basis.
3. Membership Rules:
- It is a rule of the PP that any member of the ESC automatically forfeits his/her position on that committee, if and when that member has failed to attend three consecutive meetings of that committee. Any member of the ESC who forfeits his/her position, arising from this rule, may be reinstated to their position, if and when, exceptional circumstances apply, and with the unanimous vote of the remaining members of the ESC. All aspects of this rule will be given effect by way of appropriate recording at the next subsequent meeting of the ESC.
- It is a rule of the PP that each and every paid up member of the PP will be kept informed of relevant developments in and by the PP, by way of regular communications from the press officer/secretary in a manner to be prescribed by the ESC.
- It is a rule of the PP that an annual report by the ESC on the overall business of the PP will be issued not later than 30 days after the completion of the year’s business. The report to be issued under this rule must be signed by each member of the ESC, except where and when a member or members, amounting in numbers to less than the majority, of the committee disagree with the majority report, and in which case, said disagreeing member/s are hereby required to provide, individually or collectively, an alternative report, which in and of itself constitutes a full report and outlines in detail why the majority report is not acceptable.
- It is a rule of the PP that any applicant, man or woman, by way of registration or practice to any secret society, secret agency or other organisation, the aims and objectives of which organisation, society, brotherhood or other, are incompatible with those of the PP, is hereby prohibited from becoming a member of the PP. Any man or woman who falsifies an application form, so as to become or to remain a member of the PP, automatically incurs full personal and/or corporate liability to the PP, a liability which may be further defined by the ESC and where necessary pursued through all lawful means.
Appendix 2
STANDING ORDERS of the PP: (Contact the PP for more information)
Appendix 3
Consultative Democracy:
Selecting, Electing & Holding to Account the Best Community Candidates
The People’s Platform Party and Movement promote self-governance/consultative-participatory democracy.
A consultative-participatory democracy system, by which each constituency selects their most suitable election candidates, promotes them, elects them, is consulted on their voting in office and holds them to account in office.
The Process:
- A Facilitation Committee is to be established in every Constituency in Ireland.
- Potential election candidates come forward and others are identified or proposed. They are all invited to participate in the process to seek community support.
- At a public meeting chaired by the Facilitation Committee, they are asked to put their case to the public as to why they should be selected and supported by the community. (Social media can be used to present their case to the community)
- A runoff is then conducted in each constituency at a public meeting chaired by the Facilitation Committee to select the best candidates.
- The existing system is then used to get the candidates on the ballot paper; i.e. for a Dáil election, 30 sponsors are required for each independent candidate to put them on the ballot paper. Candidate directly affiliated to a party do not need sponsors.
- It is then the job of the communities within the constituency to get their candidates elected.
- This selection process should be focused on in preparation for elections called at short notice.
- These elected public representatives will be required to meet with the public, on at least six occasions in any calendar year.
- Members of the public, via public meetings chaired by the Facilitation Committee are to be empowered to make proposals that once seconded and passed by a majority vote of the meeting are binding on their public representatives.
Copyright Notice:
© February 2022 – The Peoples Platform and its founders – All Rights Reserved.
For further information;
Phone: 085-844-2731